Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. -Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

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Title IX Information

Under federal law any school receiving federal funds must designate a Title IX Coordinator to review, update and implement current Title IX policies, to coordinate appropriate training and resources, and ensure effective and timely responses to complaints of sexual violence, misconduct, discrimination or harassment.

The protections of Title IX extend to sexual harassment and sexual assault or violence that impairs or interferes with access to equitable educational and employment opportunities. Title IX is applicable to all members of the campus community, individuals doing business with the campus, those utilizing campus facilities, those who engage in volunteer activities or work activities in connection with or for Clarkson University. It is also applicable to incidents involving these parties both on and off campus. 

For further information, explore the links on this page or contact the Title IX Coordinator,

Policies & Procedures

Clarkson’s policies and procedure can be found here: Student Code of Conduct.

Under the law, all institutions receiving federal funds must have policies and procedures that prohibit sexual discrimination, offer a grievance procedure with both a formal and informal process, and designate a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the enforcement of these policies and procedure in a timely and equitable manner.

The general process works as follows:

An individual reports a Title IX complaint to a University employee, the Title Ix Coordinator or a deputy Coordinator.

The individual is made aware of their options.  They will be informed about appropriate support services, complaint filing options, and available interim remedies.  These will vary based on the status of the individuals involved in the incident, e.g. student to student, staff to student, staff to staff.

All complainants are entitled to use either a formal or informal grievance process and can switch from one to the other.  Mediation is not allowed in the event of sexual violence and parties do not have to be in the same room to allow for grievance proceedings.

The Title IX Coordinator and deputies are charged with ensuring the following protections:

  • All parties will be treated equally and fairly
  • Retaliation is prohibited (against any participants in the process—accused, victim, witnesses, reporting individuals)
  • Alternative arrangements during hearings
  • Prompt investigations, published timelines
  • Notice of outcome

Reporting Information

When you have a complaint, question or concern regarding Title IX you have several options on how to proceed. This page explains what to report and to whom you can report it.

If it is an emergency situation we urge you to contact Campus Safety, 315-268-6666 or Potsdam Police, 911, directly.  Campus Safety can accept anonymous reports.  Campus Safety is required to report all Title IX related cases to the Title IX Coordinator.

It is against federal law for any member of the university community to retaliate against a complainant or a witness in a complaint.

You should report any incident of sexual discrimination, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking that you experience, witness or have reported to you.  In addition, you should report if school officials, students, employees, guests or contractors fail to prevent or remediate the above incidents.  In addition, any retaliation by school officials, students, employees, guests or contractors is prohibited.  All such incidents should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.

If you are a victim/survivor of interpersonal violence (including but not limited to: sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking) or know about an incident that occurred to someone else and are thinking of reporting it to campus officials, we know it can be confusing to know who the best person on campus is to tell.

This page hopes to make that process easier for you by providing a quick and easy list of appropriate contacts who are all trained to help you navigate the College’s process. You may ask the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator to explain the process to you.


Dean of Students, 315-268-6620
Resident Hall Staff
Campus Safety, 315-268-6666
Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator

Staff/Faculty Members:

Human Resources
Campus Safety, 315-268-6666
Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator

University Guests or Contractors:

Guests of students - Dean of Students, 315-268-6620
Non-Students or Contractors – Human Resources
Campus Safety, 315-268-6666
Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator

Title IX Contacts

Jennifer L. Ball, Ph.D 
Chief Inclusion Officer/Asst Professor HU/SS 
Snell 168 
Box 5750

Caroline LaMarche
Head Volleyball Coach
204 Alumni Gym
Box 5830

Kelsey Pearson
Assistant Dean of Students for Accommodations and Conduct
1003A Price Hall
Phone: 315/268-2012

Jenny McCauley
VP of People Resources Resources
103 Graham Hall
Box 8734
Phone: 315/268-3788 

1200 Educational Resource Center (ERC)
Box 5640
Ph. 315-268-6666
Fx. 315-268-7710

Emergency? Call 911

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