Education Background

Ph.D. - University of Minnesota
M.S. - University of Delaware
B.Tech - Indian Institute of Technology

Research Interests

  • Professor Dhaniyala's research interests are in developing techniques for accurate characterization of airborne particle properties and understanding the fate of aerosol particles in the environment.
  • Some of his current funded research projects include: measurement of physical properties of aerosol particles from airborne platforms; fast measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity, development of novel aerosol sensors for large spatial-scale measurements, characterization of filter performance under low-pressure, and fundamental studies of particle resuspension from non-smooth surfaces.
  • Funding sources for these research projects include: NSF, NASA, NYSERDA, Pall Inc., and DTRA.




Office Phone Number: 315/268-6574

Office Location: 204 CAMP Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5725

Website: Professor webpage