Julie M Davis

Director of Web Development
Department(s) / Center(s)
Julie M Davis Headshot


Julie M. Davis grew up in Spartanburg, SC but has strong family ties to St. Lawrence County that allowed her to experience the beauty of the area each summer. She moved permanetly to St. Lawrence County in 1995.    

She began working for the university in 2000 as a web/graphic designer and steadily took over the role of Director of Web Development. During her time at Clarkson she has led the university through countless website re-design intitiatives.

Julie received her Bachelor of Art from the University of South Carolina Upstate (1995), her Bachelor of Science (2001) in Technical Communication and Master of Science (2005) in Information Technlogy from Clarkson University. She also recieved her doctorate from Texas Tech University in the field of Technical Communication & Rhetoric (2013). Her dissertation focused on the impact of distance education on working mothers.

She loves applying her technical and design skills with the University's website but also enjoys getting into the classroom to teach. She has taught numerous courses for the university since she began teaching in an adjunct capacity in 2005. The classes she has taught run the gamut of all her various degrees in art, technical communication and information technology. As of late she has focused on public speaking and finds enrichment in helping students improve their speaking and presentation skills.

Julie enjoys spending time with her three children and working on the numerous art projects in the various mediums she is constantly exploring.

Education Background

  • Technical Communication & Rhetoric, PhD - 2013, Texas Tech University
  • Information Technology, MS - 2005, Clarkson University
  • Technical Communication, BS - 2001, Clarkson University
  • Interdisciplinary Studies with a Concentration in Art, BA - 1995, University of South Carolina Upstate

Courses Taught

  • COMM217: Public Speaking

Previous Courses Taught

  • COMM221: 2-D Digital Design/TC321 Digital Imagery
  • COMM320: Photography
  • COMM321: Digital Imagery
  • COMM341: Introduction to Web Design
  • DA100: Digital Studio I
  • DA110: Drawing
  • DA200: Digital Studio II
  • DA205: Painting & Drawing
  • DA394: DEsigning for Web Usability


Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Davis, J. (2015). Marketing, communication and emerging media. In C. Lambert & M. Schlobohm (Eds.), Communication and Emerging Media: What’s Trending Now. (pp. 83-108). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
  • Davis, J., Harding, L., Mascle, D. (2010). Digital connections and learning styles. In Ritke-Jones, W. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Virtual Environments for Corporate Education: Employee Learning and Solutions, (pp. 302-320). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Davis, J. Test, Test, and Test Some More. Presented at edUi produced by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 2015, Nov 9-11; Charlottesville, Virginia.

Davis, J., Female Cyberscholars: Navigating Cyberspace in Pursuit of Higher Education. Presented at 30th Annual Meeting of Southwest Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association, 2009 Feb 25-28; Albuquerque, New Mexico.



Email: davisju@castingmoldingmachine.com

Office Phone Number: 315/268-6713

Office Location: 2300 Old Main Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5585