
I am currently the the Paynter-Krigman Endowed Chair in Engineering Science Simulation at Clarkson University.  I obtained my B.S. degree from the University of Notre Dame and Ph.D. degree from Princeton University all in mechanical engineering.  After my Ph.D., I was a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University working on the Applied Strategic Computing Initiative.  I was a fellow in the Faculty Fellowship program at NASA Langley in 2002 and at NASA Kennedy in 2005.   More recently I spent a year as a visiting faculty at the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium in 2009.

Education Background

Ph.D. - 1997 Princeton University
B.S. - 1991 University of Notre Dame

Courses Taught

  • ME411 - Heat Transfer
  • ME515/CE538/MA572 - Introduction to Finite Element Methods

Research Interests

My research interests are mainly in the development and application of numerical simulation techniques for fluid flows and heat transfer.  Most of my recent work has been developing adaptive, arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE), hp-finite element methods, which enable efficient high-order of accuracy simulations of single and multi-phase flows. Recent application areas include solidification modeling of silicon and aluminum manufacturing processes, droplet and spray modeling, as well as more classical aerodynamic optimization applications such as optimization of luge sleds for the US Olympic Luge Association (USLA) and optimal design of ducted wind turbines.


University Distinguished Teaching Award 2014, School of Eng. Teaching Excellence, 2006-current, τβπ teaching award 2008, πτσ teaching award 2007.

I have published 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and mentored 13 Ph.D. and 9 M.S. students since my arrival at Clarkson.  In 2014, I received the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award.   My research has been funded by agencies such as the National Science Foundation, NASA, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the New York State Energy Development Authority, as well as private companies and I am a member of Clarkson’s Million Dollar Club.


  • F. Carlson and B. Helenbrook. Thermal load leveling using anisotropic materials, May 9 2013. US Patent App. 13/292,410.
  • P. Kellerman, D. Sun, B. Helenbrook, and D. Harvey. Removing a sheet from the surface of a melt using elasticity and buoyancy, July 1 2014. US Patent 8,764,901.
  • M. Cheng and B. Helenbrook. Method for thermal simulation, Sept. 17 2013. US Patent 8,539,408.


  • N. Bagheri-Sadeghi, B. T. Helenbrook, and K. D. Visser Ducted wind turbine optimization and sensitivity to rotor position Wind Energy Science, 3(1):221–229, 2018
  • B. T. Helenbrook and J. Hrdina High-order adaptive arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) simulations of solidification Computers & Fluids,167:40–50, 2018.
  • D. S. Meyer, B. T. Helenbrook, and M.-C. Cheng. Proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced basis element method for thermal modeling of integrated circuits. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 112(5):479–500, 2017
  • N. S. Barlow, B. T. Helenbrook, and S. J. Weinstein. Algorithm for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Signalling Problem. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82(1):1–32, 2017.
  • B. T. Helenbrook, P. Kellerman, F. Carlson, N. Desai, and D. Sun. Experimental and numerical investigation of the horizontal ribbon growth process. Journal of Crystal Growth, 453:163–172, 2016.
  • R. Venters, B. T. Helenbrook, and K. D. Visser. Ducted wind-turbine optimization J. Solar Energy Eng., accepted.
  • • D. S. Meyer, B. T. Helenbrook, and M.-C. Cheng. Proper orthogonal decomposition-based reduced basis element method for thermal modeling of integrated circuits. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., accepted.
  • • B. T. Helenbrook and N. S. Barlow. 2016 Spatial-temporal stability analysis of faceted growth with application to horizontal ribbon growth. Journal of Crystal Growth, 454:35–44, 2016.
  • • B. T. Helenbrook, P. Kellerman, F. Carlson, N. Desai, and D. Sun. Experimental and numerical investigation of the horizontal ribbon growth process. Journal of Crystal Growth, 453:163–172, 2016.
  • • P. Kellerman, B. Kernan, B. T. Helenbrook, D. Sun, F. Sinclair, and F. Carlson. Floating Silicon Method single crystal ribbon–observations and proposed limit cycle theory. Journal of Crystal Growth, 451:174–180, 2016.
  • • W. Jia, B. T. Helenbrook, and M.-C. Cheng. Fast thermal simulation of FinFET circuits based on a multi-block reduced-order model. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35(7):1114–1124, July 2016.
  • • N. S. Barlow, B. T. Helenbrook, and S. J. Weinstein. Algorithm for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Signaling Problem. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, in press, 2016.
  • • A. Bahrami, and D. T. Valentine, B. T. Helenbrook, and D. K. Aidun. Fluid flow and mixing in linear GTA welding of dissimilar ferrous alloys. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 93:729–741, 2016.
  • • 2015 I. Udagedara, B. T. Helenbrook, A. Luttman, and S. Mitchell. Reduced order modeling for accelerated Monte Carlo simulations in radiation transport. Appl. Math. Computation., 267:237–251, 2015.
  • • B. T. Helenbrook Solidification along a wall or free surface with heat removal. J. Crystal Growth, 418:79–85, 2015.
  • • K. Perline and B. T. Helenbrook. A hybrid level-set/moving-mesh interface tracking method. Applied Num. Mathematics, 92:21–39, 2015.
  • • A. Bahrami, and D. Valentine, B. T. Helenbrook, and D. K. Aidun. Study of mass transport in autogenous GTA welding of dissimilar metals Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 85:41–53, 2015. [3]
  • • F. Behzad, B. T. Helenbrook, and G. Ahmadi. On the sensitivity and accuracy of proper-orthogonal-decomposition-based reduced order models for Burger’s equation. Comp. & Fluids, 106:19–32, 2015. [1]
  • • 2014 W. Jia, M.-C. Cheng, and B. T. Helenbrook. Thermal modeling of multi-fin field effect transistor structure using proper orthogonal decomposition. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 61(8):2752–2759, 2014.
  • • 2013 M. J. Brazell and B. T. Helenbrook. Continuous finite elements on tetrahedra with local mass matrix inversion to solve the preconditioned compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Computers & Fluids, 88:643–652, 2013.
  • • 2012 R. Venters, B. T. Helenbrook, K. Zhang, and M.-C. Cheng. Proper orthogonal decomposition based thermal modeling of semiconductor structures. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59(11):2924–2931, 2012. [3]
  • • P. Zamankhan, B. T. Helenbrook, S. Takayama, and J. Grotberg. Steady motion of Bingham plugs in 2D channels. J. Fluid Mech., 705:258–279, 2012. [3]
  • • N. S. Barlow, S. J. Weinstein, and B. T. Helenbrook. On the response of convectively unstable flows to oscillatory forcing with application to liquid sheets. J. Fluid Mech., 699:115–152, 2012. [1]
  • M. J. Brazell and B. T. Helenbrook. p=2 continuous finite elements on tetrahedra with local mass matrix inversion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213–216(0):289–298, 2012. [1]



Office Phone Number: 315/268-2204

Office Location: 259 CAMP Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5725
