Education Background
Environmental Science and Engineering Ph.D. - 2011 Clarkson University
Environmental Engineering M.S. - 1987 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chemical Engineering B.S. - 1985 University of New Hampshire
Courses Taught
- ES110 - Engineering and Society
- ES238 - Introduction to Energy Systems
- ED440 - Seminar in Cultural Competency and Teaching in the STEM Classroom
- MP210/MP310 - Food-to-Energy Project Class
Teaching Interests
I am in the STEM institute but most of my teaching is in the School of Engineering. I teach introductory-level engineering science courses that engage students in exploring engineering, technology, and energy issues. My goal is to help students understand the complex relationships between the technological work of engineers and technical professionals, and the social and natural environments in which we work. First year students who take my sections of Engineering and Society get a strong dose ‘sociotechnical problem solving’ and the important role that the practicing engineer will play in solving tomorrow’s complex global challenges. With respect to energy, I hope to develop among students the broad perspective necessary to objectively evaluate positive and negative tradeoffs, in addition to understanding the technical details and implications, when evaluating options for transitioning into a sustainable energy future. I also teach a project class where Clarkson students work in teams to educate people at many levels, at Clarkson and at a nearby middle and high school, about food waste and resource recovery. Finally, through the Institute of STEM Ed I co-teach a seminar to help pre-service teachers develop their skills for improving equity and inclusion in the classroom, through culturally responsive practices.
Research Interests
My research interests are focused in engineering education. I am involved in a variety of projects, most of them collaboratively with faculty in other departments at Clarkson. Generally I’m interested in developing, implementing and evaluating evidence-based learning practices in K-16 STEM education, environmental education, and energy education, and I often use my classroom as my research laboratory – investigating how students learn, how they develop skills, and how their attitudes toward engineering are impacted by the learning environment. I am interested in our ability to improve diversity in STEM studies and careers by exposing young people to the broad nature of engineering as it is contextualized in human and environmental systems. I have experience in project-based curriculum development focusing on environmental themes, specifically those that use real data in classroom projects. I also have expertise developing and implementing educational assessment strategies and tools to measure energy and climate literacy among a broad range of participants in various settings.
To view current research projects, visit the links below.
- Professional Engineer, state of North Carolina
- Teacher Certification: Secondary Science, state of North Carolina
Recent Awards:
- ASEE ECCD (Energy Conversion & Conservation Division) Best Paper Award, 2021
- Recognition of Teaching Excellence, January 2018
- ASEE First-Year Programs Division Best Paper – Finalist, 2017
- Mara H. Wasburn Early Engineering Educator Grant, ASEE Women In Engineering Division, 2014
- Phalanx Commendable Leadership Award, Clarkson University, 2014 & 2019
- Premier Curriculum Award for K-12 Engineering, Engineering Pathway, “Energy Systems and Solutions,” 2009
- DeWaters, J.; Grimberg, S.J. (2022) Food Waste-to-Energy: A project-based school learning experience. ResearchOutreach, 128. DOI: 10.32907/RO-128-2236048339. Accessed 2/7/22. Video available at
- DeWaters, J.E., Powers, S., Bilow, F. An Introductory Course to Promote Broad Energy Education for Undergraduate Engineering Students. (2021) Sustainability. 13, 9693.
- Powers, S., DeWaters, J.E., Dhaniyala, S. (2021) Climate literacy – Imperative competencies for tomorrow’s engineers. Sustainability. 13, 9684.
- Shepherd, D., Fronchetti, F., Liu, Y., Hou, D., DeWaters, J., Small, M.M. (2022). Project-Sized Scaffolding for Software Engineering Courses. In: Proceedings, 1st ICSE Workshop on Designing and Running Project-Based Courses in Software Engineering Education (ICSE DREE ’22), International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Pittsburgh, PA, May 8-27, 2022. Paper #54.
- Bilow, F., DeWaters, J. (2022, pending) Examining Student Responses and Gender Differences to a First-Year Sociotechnical Engineering Course. In: Proceedings of the 52nd ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, October 8-11, 2022.
- DeWaters, J., Kavanagh, K., Rivera, S., Galluzzo, B., Ramsdell, M. (2022) STEM QuESTS: A Design Challenge to Broaden Student Engagement in STEM Education. In: Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY, March 26 2022.
- Bilow, F., DeWaters, J. (2022) Exploring Engineering Students’ Attitudes: Impacts of Sociotechnical vs. Technical Courses. In: Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY, March 26 2022.
- Bilow, F., DeWaters, J., Hoople, G. (2021) Work In Progress: Examining the Impacts of a Sociotechnical Approach to Energy Education on Engineering Students’ Sense of Belonging and Attitudes Toward Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 128th Annual ASEE Virtual Conference & Exposition, July 2021. Paper ID #33174.
- DeWaters, J.E., Grimberg, S.J. (2021) Food to Energy: A K12/University Partnership to Develop a Resource Recovery Program. In: Proceedings of the 128th Annual ASEE Virtual Conference & Exposition, July 2021. Paper ID #23605. Awarded ASEE Best Paper, ECCD (Energy Conversion & Conservation Division).
- Manierre, M., Rivera, S., DeWaters, J., Whalen, M. (2020) The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned-- Possible Shifts in Teaching Philosophies and Priorities. Online Learning Consortium Accelerate Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Burdick, J., DeWaters, J., Grimberg, S. (2020) Poopy power: Using small-scale manure digesters to model the environmental value of energy recovery systems. 2020 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Abstract accepted March 31, 2020. Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education was terminated on April 2, 2020, by the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society; and, therefore, this presentation could not be given as intended.
- DeWaters, J., Grimberg, S. (2020). Food Waste – to – Energy: Teaching Students about Waste Disposal Options and the Science of Resource Recovery. In: Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference. **accepted and published; conference canceled due to Coronavirus**
- Powers, S., DeWaters, J.E. (2020) Climate literacy – Imperative competencies for tomorrow’s engineers. Presented at the Sustainability Literacy Symposium, Charleston, S.C. Organized by the European School of sustainability Science and Research, the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme, the Sustainability Curriculum Consortium, and hosted by the College of Charleston, February 12-13, 2020.
- Rivera, S. Kavanagh, K., DeWaters, J., Galluzzo, B., Ramsdell, M. (January 2020). Preservice Teacher Scripts and Counterscripts on Diversity. Roundtable paper. Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). San Antonio, TX.
- Rivera, S., Ibourk, A., Kavanagh, K., Galluzzo, B., DeWaters, J., Ramsdell, M. (October 2019). Developing an Understanding of Diversity and Social Justice. Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice (SEEDS). Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
- Chiu, Mei-Shiu, and J.E. DeWaters (2018) Development and Validation of the Energy-Issue Attitude Questionnaire: Relations with energy knowledge, affect, and behavior. Journal of Advances in Education Research 3(1):25-37.
- DeWaters, J.E., J.C. Moosbrugger, and P. Sharma (2017) “Development and application of a questionnaire to measure student attitudes toward and understanding of engineering.” In: Proceedings of the 124th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, June 2017.
- Schutz, C., Y. Gao, D. Hou, S. Powers, S. Grimberg, and J. DeWaters (2016) “A Time Series Data Transformation Engine for Non-Programmer End Users.” In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart City, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, March 15-16, 2016.
- DeWaters, J.E., J. Halfacre, J. Moosbrugger, E. Chapman, and E. Wultsch (2015) “Enhancing the experience of first-year engineering students with an entry-level S-T-S course.” In: Proceedings of the 45th ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, El Paso, TX, October 21-24, 2015.
- Chapman, E.A., E.M. Wultsch, J.E. DeWaters, J.C. Moosbrugger, K.M. Buckle, P.R. Turner, M.W. Ramsdell, and R.P. Jaspersohn (2015) “Innovating Engineering Curriculum for First-Year Retention.” In: Proceedings of the 122nd Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Seattle WA June 2015.
- Powers, S.E., J. DeWaters, M.M. Small, S. Grimberg, and D. Hou (2015) “CLICS – Integrating Data from Campus Sustainability Projects across Disciplines.” In: Proceedings of the 122nd Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Seattle WA June 2015.
- DeWaters, J.E., J. Hougham, C. Hintz, and L. Frolich (2015) “Beyond Conservation: Reimagining the purpose of energy education.” Journal of Sustainability Education. Available online at
- DeWaters, J.E., C. Q Andersen, A. Calderwood, and S.E. Powers (2014) “Improving Climate Literacy with Project-Based Modules Rich in Educational Rigor and Relevance.” Journal of Geoscience Education, 62(3):469-484.
- Southwell, B.G., J.J. Murphy, J.E. DeWaters, P.A. LeBaron, and J.F. Willoughby (2014) “Energy information sharing in social networks: The roles of objective knowledge and perceived understanding.” The Journal of Sustainability Education, June 2014.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2013) “Establishing Measurement Criteria for an Energy Literacy Questionnaire.” The Journal of Environmental Education, 44(1): 38-55 (DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2012.711378).
- DeWaters, J.E., B. Qaqish, M.E. Graham, and S.E. Powers (2013) “Designing an Energy Literacy Questionnaire for Middle and High School Youth.” The Journal of Environmental Education, 44(1): 56-78 (DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2012.682615).
- DeWaters, J.E., E. Chapman, E. Wultsch, K. Buckle, and J.C. Moosbrugger (2013) “Engineering and Society: A Course for First-Year Engineering Students and Non-Majors.” Paper presented at the 5th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 8-9, 2013.
- Powers, S.E., S. Dhaniyala, J.E. DeWaters, and M.M. Small (2013) “New project-based instructional modules improve climate literacy (research to practice).” In: Proceedings of the 120th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 2013.
- Moosbrugger, J.C., J.E. DeWaters, E. Chapman, and M. Richards (2012) “A Course on Engineering and Society for First-Year Engineering Students and Non-Majors.” In: Proceedings of the 119th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 2012.
- Southwell, B.G., J.J. Murphy, J.E. DeWaters, and P.A. LeBaron (2012) “American’s perceived and actual understanding of energy.” Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press.
- Powers, S.E., J.E. DeWaters, and M.Z. Venczel (2011) “Teaching Lifecycle Perspectives – A Sustainable Transportation Fuels Unit for High School and Undergraduate Engineering Students.” ASCE J. Prof. Issues in Engrg. Educ. & Practice. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000059
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2011) “Energy Literacy of Secondary Students in New York State (USA): A Measure of Knowledge, Affect, and Behavior.” Energy Policy, 39(3): 1699-1710.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2011) “Improving Energy Literacy among Middle School Youth with Project-based Learning Pedagogies.” In Proceedings of the 41st ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD, October 13-15, 2011, paper number 1424.
- Powers, S.E., S. Dhaniyala, J.E. DeWaters, and M.M. Small (2011) “Teaching Climate Science and Policy to Engineering Students.” In: Proceedings of the 118th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Vancouver CA, June 2011.
- Powers, S.E., B. Bridges, J.E. DeWaters, G. Gotham, M.M. Small, and P. Turner (2010) “K-12 Teacher Professional Development Effectively Offered by STEM Faculty from a Research University.” In: Proceedings of the 117th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Louisville KY, June 20-23, 2010 (paper number AC2010-177).
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2009) “WIP: Energy Education and Energy Literacy: Potential Benefits of Reaching a High Level of Educational Rigor and Relevance.” In Proceedings of the 39th ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, October 18-21, 2009, paper number 1112.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2009) “Using a Real-world, Project-based Energy Module to Improve Energy Literacy among High School Youth.” In Proceedings of the 116th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009, paper number AC 2009-231.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2008) “Energy Literacy among Middle and High School Youth.” In Proceedings of the 38th ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 22-25, 2008, paper number 1077, Session 2F-6.
- DeWaters, J.E., S.E. Powers, and M. Graham (2007) “Developing an Energy Literacy Scale.” In Proceedings of the 114th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HI, June 23-38, 2007, paper number AC 2007-1069.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers, (2006) “WIP: A Pilot Study to Assess the Impact of a Special Topics Energy Module on Improving Energy Literacy of High School Youth.” In Proceedings of the 36th ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, CA, October 28-31, 2006, paper number 1151, Session M1C-11.
- DeWaters, J.E., and S.E. Powers (2006) “Improving Science Literacy Through Project-based K-12 Outreach Efforts that use Energy and Environmental Themes.” In Proceedings of the 113th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006, paper number 2006-262.
- DeWaters, J.E., S.E. Powers, and M. Graham (2006) “Partners in Engineering: Outreach Efforts Provide Holistic Engineering Education for Middle School Girls.” In Proceedings of the 113th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006, paper number 2006-1471.
- Powers, S.E., and J. DeWaters (2004) “Creating Project-Based Learning Experiences for University-K12 Partnerships.” In Proceedings of the 34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Savannah, GA, October 20-23 2004.
- Powers, S.E., M. Graham, T. Schwob, and J. DeWaters (2003) “Diversity in K-12 Initiatives to Attract a Diverse Pool of Engineering Students.” In Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, CO, November 5-8, 2003.
- Powers, S.E., and J.E. DeWaters (2001) “Introducing Environmental Problem Solving as a Means of Increasing Interest in Science and Engineering.” American Chemical Society CONFCHEM conference (July 2001). Presented and published on-line (