Sustainable engineering projects are no longer a novelty. Instead, they represent the present and future of building and infrastructure design. This approach further helps preserve our world’s natural resources.
Looking to fuel this progress? Enhance your bachelor’s degree with a minor in environmental engineering. Take a step toward more responsible design. Improve our world for future generations while reducing humanity’s impact. Acquire a specialization and graduate with a Bachelor of Science plus an environmental engineering minor.
The environmental engineering minor is open to all students at Clarkson University, not already majoring in environmental engineering.
Why Study Environmental Engineering?
Environmental engineering has branched off from civil engineering. All engineers are encouraged to have an understanding of sustainability and responsible design.
Where is this knowledge essential? Learn to:
Responsibly develop water resources.
Reduce the effects of pollution.
Eliminate hazards and solid waste.
Develop structures and waste management solutions that minimally impact our world.
Preserve water, air and soil quality.
Spearhead projects that decrease global energy consumption.
Materials balances
Chemical engineering
Microbiology and molecular biology
Water and wastewater treatment
Industrial ecology
Environmental systems analysis and design
Sustainable development engineering
Groundwater hydrology
Air pollution control
Review the full curriculum below.
Environmental Engineering Minor Core Requirements
Students are required to complete the following courses:
Core Courses
Complete one of the following:
CE340 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CE380 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
CH220 Materials Balances
Capstone Experience
Students are required to complete a Capstone Design course with a specific environmental focus (such as CE490/1/2, MP401, AE451, CH420, EE412, EM456 or ME446) or environmental-related research (such as CE495, CE496 or ES443/4/5/6/7).
Science Courses for the Environmental Engineering Minor
Students must complete one course from each of the following areas:
CE487 Environmental Engineering Laboratory
CH210 Chemical Engineering Principles
CM221 Spectroscopy
CM241 Organic Chemistry I
CM371 Physical Chemistry I
BY214 Genetics
BY222 Ecology & BY224 Ecology Laboratory
BY320 Microbiology
BY330/EV330 Great Lakes Water Protection
Environmental Engineering Minor Core Electives I
Students must complete one of the following courses:
CE434 Sustainable Development Engineering
CE479 Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes
CE481 Hazardous Waste Management Engineering
CE482 Environmental Systems Analysis and Design
CE486 Industrial Ecology
ES432 Risk Analysis - OR - CE433 Human Exposure Analysis
ES436 Global Climate Change: Science, Engineering & Policy
Environmental Engineering Minor Core Electives II
Students must complete one of the following courses:
BY314 Bioinformatics
BY328 Conservation Biology
BY412 Molecular Biology Laboratory
BY425 Biological Systems & Environmental Change
BY431 Limnology & BY432 Limnology Laboratory
BY486 Molecular Biotechnology
CE430 Water Resources Engineering II
CE435 Groundwater Hydrology & Geochemistry
CE477 Atmospheric Chemistry
CE478 Solid Waste Management and Landfill Design
EHS406 Industrial Hygiene Control Methods
EHS416 Principles of Occupational Health
EV314 Adirondack Integrated Research Project
All Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering courses center around challenges and projects. See how environmental engineering principles help solve problems and work in the real world. This approach defines your capstone. Various co-curricular and extracurricular activities help you build additional experience.
An understanding of environmental engineering is an asset across multiple fields. Students with this skill set often get involved with:
Environmental compliance
Environmental process design
Environmental research
Project management
System modeling
Reflecting demand for this skill set, our 2023 environmental engineering graduates had an average starting salary of nearly $67,000. Opportunities exist in public agencies, environmental and government organizations, construction, industry, consulting or project management.
Clarkson environmental engineering students have been recruited by companies such as:
Environmental engineering student Benjamin Girard combined his two favorite hobbies — tinkering and working outdoors — into a career path. In this video, he shares his plans to work in wastewater treatment and how Clarkson's strong connections with employers gave him a competitive edge.
Broaden your engineering skills with detailed knowledge of sustainability and natural resource management practices. If you see environmental engineering as essential to creating this future, take the next step: